Wednesday, May 10, 2017

GenXers Key to Company Future

GenXers Unite!! 

Today I ran across interesting commentary, TEDX and white paper by Dr. Mary Donohue, CEO Donohue Learning. Her expertise is generational and social sciences in terms of learning. I found it refreshing to hear someone state the obvious (well at least the obvious to a GenXer) that we should be paying attention to the Gen X group as they are the intellectual capital of our organizations and the key to every company's future.

Like I said as a GenXer I've known this for awhile. I manage day to day interactions and projects with both boomers and millennials not only at work but at home and in a volunteer arenas as well. In Dr. Donoue's white paper, The Marcia Moment, she describes GenXers as those who are getting really tired and ask what about me just like Marcia did in her famous Brady Brunch episode. I've heard this from more than one GenXer in just this the past month and last week from my husband. While Dr. Donohue's work spoke to me on a personal level, well validated my own thoughts which always makes us GenXers feel good, how does this all tie to learning which is what my blog is about anyway?

In her white paper she describes this "what about me" frustration as being a generational communication challenge. She talks about attempting to meet that challenge with a change in job culture from Manage Me to Develop Me. This is a big deal for us in the learning field as our model for traditional training must fit into the new Develop Me dynamic. If we are developing them they won't feel ignored and won't ask "what about me". Moral of the story -- Treat the GenXer well, very well by creating learning opportunities that will satisfy the Develop Me dynamic.

Forget Millennials and Boomers GenX Will Save The Workplace. Retrieved on 5/2/2017 - 

The Marcia Moment, The Death of the Manage Me Workplace. Retrieved on 5/2/2017 -

TEDX talk on a similar topic: How to get along with Boomers, GenXers and Millennials by Dr. Mary Donohue. Retrieved on 5/2/2017 -

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Instructional tools for iPad

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Behavior Wizard

Most of the behavior change strategies, however, boil down to the following three “levers”:
  1. Increase the number of triggers leading to the desirable behavior.
  2. Enhance ability to perform the behavior (make it easier to do)
  3. Amplify motivation for doing the behavior with intrinsic and extrinsic motivators.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Apple announcement makes Flash for mobile dead and HTML5 will lead the way

Apple announces that Flash 11.1 for mobile will be the last one. Big changes in elearning are headed our way so you better start learning about HTML 5.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

how to lead virtual teams

Just finished an interesting webcast by Lee Johnson on eleading: maximizing the power of global virtual teams. While I'm not currently leading a virtual team myself I have spent the last 10 months developing training for a virtual workforce. A big take home point is that all management whether face to face or virtual begins with good management skills. Amen to that!
Lee has targeted the most difficult obstacles as building trust and positive relationships with the team and the complications that come from the use of electronic communication. The good news is that these can be overcome and when they are, there is a big reward in terms of productivity.
So if you set and clarify goals of the team and the inviduals while fostering a sense of trust by building relationships your team members one-on-one you can be successful.