Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Webinars Everywhere!

I receive lots of emails about Free Webinars. I'm going to start a list to keep track of all of them. This post will be the first of many that I probably will then pull out into it's own list. I'd love feedback on the quality of these Free Webinars.

KRM Information Services
On Demand Recording: "Pitfalls Marketing Non-Dues Revenue Webinars in This Economy"

Netspeed Learning Solutions
One every month: Live and very limited attendance, usually only 50 so logon early!
March 19, 2009 The New Blend: Effective Virtual Learning In and Out of the Classroom

February 10, 2009 The Virtual Facilitator: Creating Collaborative Learning Experiences Online
Two collegues reported to me that they could not logon even though they registered. Let me know if others had a problem.

iCohere Free Webinars
Various Topics and Dates in February and March 2009
Online Conferences —Moving Beyond Webinars
Communities of Practice & Online Events — Tips for Success
Collaborative eLearning — Student Interactions Increase Learning
Web 2.0 for Beginners – An Introduction to the New Internet

Brandon Hall
2/25/09 Multi-Generational Learning in the Workforce: Overview and Instructional Design Considerations

Avenue Z Writing Solutions
Provides information about Free and Low Cost Tools for your Organization
Contains a list of seminars and maintains two great blogs
2/10/09 Seminar was good! A little clunky to join the meeting but the content was helpful.

Various events and webinars both live and on-demand recordings available
2/17/2009 Marketing Sideways to Succeed at Social Media

Various events and webinars as well as archives of all their webinars
To get to the archives go to events page and choose Free Tools, in the drop down you'll find Webinar Archives which will pull up a menu with all the names.
I receive a newsletter each month from them listing the live events.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Conferences, Conferences, Conferences!

Is it me or is there an overwhelming amount of information about upcoming conferences. I guess they know we are thinking about our education plans for 2009.

I have to say I'm sorry I missed the first virtual ASTD TechKnowledge Conference but time just slipped away before I knew it. Here's my list of upcoming conferences that sound great!

Training 2009 Conference & Expo February 9-11, Atlanta Georgia

Using Social Brain Research To Enhance Learning February 19-21, San Francisco California

Articulate Live '09 March 9, Orlando Florida

eLearning Guild Annual Gathering 2009 March 10-13, Orlando Florida

IMPACT 2009: The Business of Talent April 14-16, St. Petersburg Florida

ASTD International Conference & Exposition May 31 - June 3, Washington D.C.

Tony Karrer has a great blog post for those interested in conference geared toward eLearning techonology http://elearningtech.blogspot.com/2009/01/elearning-conferences.html

Let me know if you know of others.