As an instructional designer who used to be an instructional technologist I still yearn to hear about the latest and greatest tech toys. As a mom of two kids with a full time job I find it hard to keep up. Finally Todd Marks of Mindgrub has moved his BW Tech Meetings to an online format and is archiving it. I just finished listening to the July 29th meeting.
Coolest item: the Flipboard for the ipad! allows you to create a personalized magazine from all the different social medial that is important to you. You can have facebook, linked in, twitter and RSS feeds. What a great way to pull all this technology together.
Now how can we apply this to workplace learning. Just imagine your employees being able to create a magazine that contained only the information that was important to them. How much more targeted would their learning be. Can't wait to see how this plays out in the market.
Another interesting topic was how Hollywood perceives technology in their movies. How will the predications play out from shows like Star Trek, Back to the Future, The Jetsons. I found this discussion entertaining and interesting.
Great job Todd!